Hidden Gems: Meet Michelle DeStefano of Soar Career Coaching for Professional Women

Waechter Consulting

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michelle DeStefano.

Hi Michelle, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
My name is Michelle DeStefano.  I am a Registered Nurse, Healthcare Business Consultant, and Nursing Executive with expertise in driving strategy, clinical, and operational improvement.  I have had over 30 plus years in progressive hospital/Nursing leadership positions, including that of Chief Nursing Officer.  Most recently, I have transitioned my career focus to that of Business Consultant and Career Influencer/Coach.  With that experience and dedication to the healthcare field, comes a proven track record in inspiring individuals and teams to thrive at their highest potential.   I graduated with a BSN in Nursing and pursued a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, both from Penn State University. To continue my self-development and continuous learning philosophy, I received my Nursing Certification in Nursing Executive Practice and am credentialed as a John Maxwell coach, speaker, and trainer.

Despite my many professional achievements and positive performance appraisals, and large annual bonuses for a job well done, I encountered career challenges and setbacks. Specifically, I have been passed over for internal promotions even when promised organizational mobility.  I have been in positions where I was devalued.  I was even threatened about organizational longevity in a position despite excellent performance appraisals and annual bonuses showing I exceeded organizational performance.  Can any professional woman relate to this?

So how did these career challenges and setbacks make me feel? At first, I blamed myself, even though my rational self said that I did the best I could and I gave them all of me. Unfortunately, my irrational self was full of negative self-talk.  My belief in myself was compromised, my lack of trust in others was sparse, my emotions ran amok leaving me crippled and unable to take the steps to redefine myself and to achieve full professional and personal outcomes.

So, then, what did I do to overcome these setbacks that appeared to cripple me for my future?  I invested in me! I hired a coach who drew out my inner genius, my leadership style, my courage and helped me realign my skillset. My coach stimulated me to re-engage in order to pursue my calling and passion in life. Namely, that of mentorship methodology to develop and support future dynamic professional women inclusive of my leading by personal example. My transformation, based on my own coaching caused me to re-evaluate what success meant and looked like to me.  Success was no longer a title but serving my calling and passion.  I forged ahead and rebranded myself, perfected my current skill set, and learned new skillsets blazing a continuous successful, fulfilling career trajectory.  Guess what, I SOARED to new career heights.  I stepped out of my comfort zone and landed on my feet!

Through my setbacks, personal development, and growth, I found I had a much larger vision and purpose for myself. I wanted to make a bigger impact. I wanted to connect with more individuals from multiple and varied organizations. I was drawn to consulting and coaching, not staying in a corporate leadership position.

Due to this personal transformation, I now serve dynamic professional women who want to unlock their own inner genius after experiencing their own crossroads. My passion and calling are to inspire dynamic professional women to SOAR… because I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams and obtain positive professional and personal results in their lives. Through my own journey and passion, I founded my own company in October 2021 called SOAR Career Coaching for Professional Women.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I have been working on this launch of my business for approximately 2 years. The longevity of my launch has been due to my wanting to develop a methodology that had meaning and impact to professional women.  I am a perfectionist and my perfectionism, at times, got in my way of just starting my company.  I continued to seek guidance, training, more training, more coaching and realized I just need to follow my dream and do it! In summary, procrastination, fear of failing, perfectionism got me stuck!.

I am overcoming this challenge by surrounding myself with a superior network of women business owners and continuously being coached myself so that I continue to develop laser focus.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
SOAR: Career Coaching for Professional Women’ s main objective is to assist professional women to unlock their inner genius and create a career path with a clear sense of purpose, clarity, and vision to ultimately show the world who they really are! Specifically, through my coaching methodology, I help professional women monetize their skill set, experience, and passion in a fulfilling way, whether it is discovering how to navigate a path to promotion in your existing career/organization or a new path best suited for you.  This new path can consist of a total rebranding and entering a new career that you may never have deemed possible.

With SOAR, we together will create SUCCESS (using your skillset in a way that is valued and highly paid, by discovering OPPORTUNITIES (that you are not even aware of) and stepping into the right ACTION (you don’t want to just be busy and not challenged) and having accountability from my team, so you can enjoy the RESULTS you want for your career.

SOAR Methodology Specifically will:

  1. Deep dive your SKILL assessment to ensure your career/work aligns with your strengths, values, passion, and how you are wired
  2. Work through your challenges and setbacks and transform them to OPPORTUNITIES.
  3. Develop realistic ACTION PLANS and hold client accountable for putting into place.
  4. Monitor your individual RESULTS so you can show the world who you really are!
  5. What would it feel like to be recognized, appreciated, and monetarily compensated for doing what you love and as a result make the world a better place? 2. What would a successful and fulfilling career mean to you and your family?

I offer a variety of coaching and consulting services. I provide basic one-on-one coaching packages as well as group facilitation events called MasterMinds. My MasterMind group programs are geared toward women in career transitions. MasterMind groups are peer-to-peer mentoring groups used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from other group members, facilitated by content experts. In addition, I provide organizational team coaching for hot topics such as succession planning and preparing your organization for its future.

What was your favorite childhood memory?

My favorite childhood memory was spending Saturday mornings with my father, Michael. We would do errands, grocery shopping, and go to the dry cleaner. Then he would assist me with learning to play my musical instruments (clarinet and violin). My father sang in church and made his own album- he sounded like a Frank Sinatra crooner. Just these precious moments with him made me feel so special! His dedication and love for his family will always stay in my heart


  • 1-year coaching, 2x/month at 150 per session($2800 per year) with a bonus of year commitment!
  • 6 month coaching 2x/month at 150 per session (1800 per year)
  • Monthly ad hoc coaching 150/session
  • Offer DISC assessment and/or Strength Finders which is included in the packages with full assessment and feedback.
  • MasterMind groups $250.00 per 5 weeks session/$50 per session with one free one-one coaching session after completion of the MasterMind Class.

Contact Info:

  • Email: michelle@soarcareercoaching.com
  • Website: www.soarcareercoaching.com
  • Facebook: Soar Career Coaching for Professional Women